2850 Iris Ave Boulder, CO

CDI Philosophy

Driver Services for Colorado

Colorado Driving Institute has been offering quality driving instruction for 25 years since 1993.

We are a small local business that focuses on making our roads safer through quality instruction with our state certified instructors. Our instruction focuses on risk management.

Risk Management is a 21st century version of Defensive Driving. The students are to constantly, identify a problem, develop a solution, and execute corrections. Other basic concepts of defensive driving involve looking ahead, thinking ahead, 2-3 second rule, don’t hit it anything, and don’t get hit by anything. Risk Management includes safety first and many other basic concepts that withstand the test of time like the ones your parents may have taught you. We believe in the team approach of parent, student, and our driving school all working together.

We believe in preparing for the future and have a variety of different types of cars including hybrid and electric.

We are here for you, and everyone’s safety.