2850 Iris Ave Boulder, CO


Driver Services for Colorado


CDI Teen Early Permit Mini Course Class Cost: $190

This bundle gets you a Teen 30 hour online classroom and a 2 hour drive lesson for only $190. This Mini course can be started as early as 14.5 years old! Fulfill your state requirement for your permit before 15 then get your permit right at 15. You can use the lesson as soon as you as you get your permit as an introduction to driving or save it and use it before you do your road test at 16 as an evaluation of your skills.

Teen 30 Hr. Online Class Cost: $115

This Online Course fulfills the State Drivers Education requirement to receive a permit at age 15. To complete this self-paced course you will need to have access to the internet. This course can be taken at 14.5 years old.