2850 Iris Ave Boulder, CO

COVID-19 Procedures

Driver Services for Colorado

Due to the COVID-19 virus we have a few new procedures to ensure everybody’s safety.

How to schedule:

All scheduling will be done online or over the phone. We will not be doing in office scheduling. The Lobby will be closed.

What to bring:

Your permit
A mask or face covering (Boulder County requires this)

*interlock testers also bring your interlock vehicle, vehicle insurance  and vehicle registration. (Insurance on the phone is fine; Registration must be the county form.)

What to expect when you arrive:

When you arrive for your lesson or test please read over and sign the coivd-19 questionnaire on the table outside the office.  Please slide your permit and paperwork through the mail slot next to the door. (Interlock testers also slide your registration and insurance paperwork as well)

When your driver is ready for you they will come out to you and take your temperature using a contact-less forehead thermometer and ensure you are wearing a face mask. If your temperature is too high or you do not have a mask you will not be able to take your lesson or test.

How do I get my paperwork

All paperwork will be directly submitted to the state and you will receive an e-mail confirmation to the e-mail you provide us.

What we our doing to help keep you safe:

The steering wheel wheel and controls of our cars will be wiped down between each test.

Each morning we will take the temperatures of our employees to ensure they are healthy.


We have shut down our office lobby to the general public to limit exposure.